

Dear Friends, supporters, and visitors to our Internet sites,

We praise the All MIGHTY ONE for His guiding hand as we have been following His lead.

“Abraham’s Children Ministries” has been an incorporated 501 (c) 3 charitable, non-profit organization since the 1st of August 2008. This was a miraculous act by OUR GOD who made a years-long dream and desire to serve Him a reality! He used a very prominent, God fearing, Fresno Lawyer and his wife. They did all the work and paid all the fees and expenses which until today we have no idea as to what all that amounted.

Dina and I are blessed by God who provides our daily bread through my Social Security Disability Retirement. Praise God for calling Dina to serve Him. She accepted His call and came to the US even though it meant leaving her family, in Portugal, and loosing all her benefits including the unemployment monthly payments and health coverage.

We had a little over $5000.00 in donations sitting in another organizations bank account, for several years, waiting for us to have our own “identity”. This was how we were able to pay our office monthly rent, $575.00, for over nine months. God had a purpose for us to be there!

In March 2010, while attending a “business mixer” organized by the Clovis City Chamber of Commerce, the vice president and general manager of the Fresno’s KIRV 1510AM radio station, which serves California’s Central Valley from Modesto in the North to Bakersfield in the South, stepped into our office wanting to know more about our logo. After more than an hour, she told us that more people need to hear what God has put in and on our minds and hearts. She offered to interview us live for a whole hour. That led to them offering us two more program times, one and a half hours, free! We then signed a contract for a weekly one hour program.

We had to give up our office and work from home to be able to pay for the air time but, with almost no financial support, we had to give notice and end our live broadcast on Tuesday the 31st of August.

KIRV 1510AM management staff was so kind and gave us the CD recordings of our programs with permission to post them on the WEB. Many of you have heard and or read what God has given us to share with all who are looking to learn more about His limitless LOVE to ALL Humanity. Some results are:

  • More than 1500 visits to the website and blogspot, some are individuals and some are groups from almost 200 cities in over 35 countries all over the world.

  • Unknown numbers of Facebook friends, readers, and listeners to our programs which are in a “dropbox” on the WEB. Some of our large Cyber Space family members have downloaded our programs and are sharing them with their friends and families.

  • Thank God for “SKYPE”! We have spent countless hours sharing (learning together), counseling, and praying with many “brothers and sisters of all ‘religions’” seeking to know God’s will and refusing to follow “man’s doctrine”.

We would like to be back “on the air” but with a different format and for shorter but more frequent programs. Please pray that God would lead us to make the right decisions.

We have also had the privilege of lending financial support, albeit limited because of our depleting funds, to some in desperate need.

In a miraculous way, God made it possible for us to attend a very important, educational, and net working conference in Spain this past November. We had to borrow money and “step into the Jordan River” in faith to pay for that!

God has sent us some very much needed donations but we still need more to finish the year in the black.

Do you feel God tugging at your heart? Would you be willing to be used by Him to support the ministry He has entrusted to us? Can you benefit from yet another “tax deductible” donation which will go 100% to the ministry?

PLEASE, take our request to THE ALMIGHTY in prayer and follow His instruction!

Thank you for reading this message!

Have a wonderful Holiday Season and may THE PRINCE OF PEACE, GOD ALMIGHTY, bless and prosper you during the New Year “2011”.

Your brother and sister in His service,

Zaher & Dina Estassi



As believers in The Creator God of the whole universe, we believe that He is a Loving God and that our bodies are very complex machines which He created to live forever. God is like a manufacturer, let us say, of a car. We buy a new car and, even when we buy a used car we might still, get the owner’s manual! I believe that God did give us an owner’s manual in the Holy Scriptures. He has given us instructions regarding the Human Body’s fuel. Some of the fuel that Man has chosen to use for this wonderful machine, the Human Body, is not what God recommended!

Yes, when we do not use fuel recommended by God, it is like mixing sugar with gas! Or instead of using gasoline, we use diesel, or a different octane, and sometimes it is even like putting sand with the engine oil. So not following the dietary instructions in Holy Scriptures is one of the main reasons why some people think the Bible has been changed!

Let us take a look at what God intended for Man to eat when He created him. For that we turn to Holy Scriptures. All Biblical texts quoted below are from the New International Version “NIV”.

In the Torah/the Old Testament we read in the book of Beginnings/Genesis chapter 1 verses 29 and 30:

“29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so.”

So the first diet that God gave Man was not only vegetarian but even vegan. Notice that even the animals were herbivorous.

We are not here to advocate any kind of diet; we are here to discuss what happened after sin entered the World. Our Father Adam and our Mother Eve disobeyed God and then were fruitful and multiplied. We do not know when Man started to eat meat but we know that some of the things Man ate, God had designated as clean and unclean, when it came to meat (animals, fish, and birds). It was not with the Jewish people, as some claim, that it started. We hear from some people sometimes that eating good healthy food, healthy living, and doing the right thing started with certain teachings or certain revelations. But God gave His instructions even before any of these so called religions existed, before the flood. I hope that you believe in the flood! Let us see what is mentioned in the Old Testament, The Torah, about that. In the Book of Beginnings, Genesis chapter 7 verses 1 through 3, here God is speaking to Noah, who built the ark:

1 The LORD then said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

Did you notice that God said the “clean” and “unclean”, even before the flood? Seven of the clean animals, two of the unclean! Why was that? If we go to verse 20 of Genesis chapter 8 we will find the answer:

“20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it.”

So it was not only for eating but also for sacrificing that they needed to keep more of the clean animals and birds than the unclean. But they needed some of every species to preserve it through the period of the flood.

... see more ... http://www.abrahamschildrenministries.org/acmstudies.htm



A very interesting Article written by SAMUEL G. FREEDMAN and published in September 10, 2010 in "New York Times". Very interesting and that should lead us to some reflexion.

Please click on the link below:




God impressed upon us to study many important aspects of His Holy Scriptures with you during the past few months.
For this last study, we are concentrating on a subject we referenced in many of our previous studies: God asking our Father Abraham to sacrifice his son.
In faith Father Abraham went through the whole process to the point of raising the knife in preparation to slaughter his son, but at that very moment the Angel of the Lord commanded him to stop! The Angel showed Abraham that God had provided a lamb to replace his son.
Abraham had a choice; either accept the gift from Heaven or kill his son. He accepted God's substitute lamb, offered it as a sacrifice, and went back home with his son.
In this study, we are developing what the Holy Scriptures say about The Lamb of God in the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verse 29, where John/Yehya the Baptist, proclaims as he saw Jesus coming toward him: "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!".
Today, we also have a choice like Father Abraham to escape the wages of sin and accept God's Gift to live forever enjoying Love, Justice, and Peace.
Please listen to this radio program by clicking on the following link:



We had lived difficult moments just before Eid Al-Fitr, but what a wonderful and happy surprise was awaiting us when we got to the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno! It was full of people, friends, believers of so many other faith backgrounds willing to support and share the joy of such a celebration! How wonderful it is when we get together to support each other no matter what. Just stand up together for justice, loving and caring for one another and sharing our joy. That Friday night the Islamic Cultural Center was teeming with people who wanted to show such Love, Tolerance and Dialog are the only way for Peace. We did enjoy all the speeches from every representative who, in simple words, reaffirmed that mutual respect and understanding is the right way to live together in harmony in spite of our differences. The speeches were followed by a delicious Middle Eastern dinner and a pleasant time of fellowship. We pray that God's Holy Word of Love and Peace will transcend human sinfulness and overcome the darkness of hate and separation. Let us say like Mattie J. P. Stepanek, a child who died at the age of 12 as victim of cancer : "LET US PRAY, DIFFERENTLY, YET TOGETHER, BEFORE THERE IS NO EARTH, NO LIFE, NO CHANCE FOR PEACE.

To see some pictures, please click on the link below:


We were so pleased to be part of these lectures about the Book "Encountering the World of Islam" which is still taking place at the USCWM, in Pasadena. Unfortunately we were able to attend only two lectures, but how enriched we were. To know the "World of Islam" is a treasure to be preserved in our hearts so that we can feel close to and understand our Muslim Fellow Believers. How refreshing was that class composed by people whose hearts are one with God no matter what denomination they belong to! We prayed and learned together to respect and understand each other's differences. The book "Encountering the World of Islam", which is still being studied in that class, features articles from eighty authors who have lived throughout the Muslim World, from West Africa to Southeast Asia. Scholars of Islam, experienced missionaries and other well-known authors, including several Muslims, contributed to this extensive ministry resource. Subhan Allah! for such a wonderful event! We want to publicly express our gratitude to the US Center for World Missions for their hospitality, friendship and love. We will never forget all of them! Assalaamu 'Alaykum!
To see some pictures, please click on the link below:

Reminding and Old Article

We would like to invite you to visit our website and read an answer to an offensive e-mail that was dropped in our inbox a while ago... however still so actual...

May Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be with us all,

Please click on the link below:




This is Part II of the last uploaded Radio Program. It is a very interesting study to go through the genealogy of our Father Abraham and how his descendents remained connected throughout History. Please click on the following link:




In this Radio Program, we will be studying about “Sons of Abraham – Part I”. There will be more than reading the Holy Scriptures as we may have to touch History. We hope you will enjoy this study.

Please click on the following link:



We uploaded a new radio program on our website. We will be reading about those wonderful creatures, we do not see, but who are always taking care of us protecting from all evil during all our lives. Yes, we are talking about Angels. We never ever walk alone in our life journey as our Guardian Angel is always with us.

Let us see what it is written in the Bible and the Qur'an about them.

Please click on the following link:



We would like to invite you to listen to a new uploaded radio program where we read about what it is written in the Holy Scripture (Bible and Qur'an) about New Heaven and New Earth. Please click on the link below:



We would like to invite you to listen to our new uploaded Radio Program on our website. Please click on the link below:




Few decisions are as important -- and potentially life-changing as choosing a school for your children.

In this interview Principal Dan Kittle shares with you the quality academics, strong curriculum and integrated spiritual and moral content of Fresno Adventist Academy, where education provides a quality academic experience in a caring Christian environment.

Please click in the following link:


Fresno Adventist Academy needs your help! Your 5 votes between now and tomorrow, September 3, 2010 could place FAA in the top 20 of the Kohl's Cares Campaign and earn our school $500,000. Vote now! And have all your friends vote. Please click in the following link and vote in the gadget on the website http://www.faa.org/index.php . Thank you so much!



What happens to those who submit to God and allow Him to reflect His character through their lives, their actions and interactions with other human beings? What is the fate of those who do not surrender their lives to God and try to escape the penalty of sin through their own means?

Should you want an answer from the Holy Scriptures, please click on the following link:


We believe that because of the great Love God has for us He revealed His character in what we commonly know as the Ten Commandments or Ten Words. This revelation is so important that God Almighty wrote it with His own finger on tablets of stone.
The first four commandments instruct us as to how to love our God and the last six are the guidelines for loving our neighbor as ourselves.



I almost felt like I had to say, "Excuse me" as we drove between them. On a very busy street with cars streaming both ways two people were holding an animated conversation across the street from each other.

I felt like it was a typical conversation I have with God. Life is streaming between us. I realize He is supposed to be inside and speak to me in a still small voice, but reality is that life is full and loud and takes up our days.

I call to Him and I know He calls back but there is so much going on I fear some days I don't hear. I know He hasn't gone anywhere. It's me.
Remember the night God spoke to a little boy named Samuel? "And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. So he arose and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am, for you did call me." Then Eli perceived that the LORD had called the boy. Therefore Eli said to Samuel, "Go, lie down; and it shall be, if He calls you, that you must say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant hears.'" So Samuel went and lay down in his place. Now the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" And Samuel answered, "Speak, for your servant hears." I love that story. Knowing that God doesn't play favorites means He calls to us. We might not hear our name called in the middle of the night because He is as diverse as we are diverse. He speaks to us via Scripture, sermons, devotionals such as this, friends and sometimes those who are not our

The important thing to remember is He wants to dialogue with you. ____________________________ I'm Roger Bothwell and my address is Spring of Life, 151 Old Farm Rd. Leominster, MA 01453 and my web address is religionworld.org and my e-mail address is roger.bothwell@comcast.net.

New Uploaded Radio Programs

Please click on the links below:

"The Veracity of the Bible"

"God's Love in the Bible and the Qur'an"

"Key Arabic Words Study" Part II

"Creation in the Bible and the Qur'an"

"Man's Sin and God's Remedy"



We are pleased to inform you that we have a brand new website and we would like to invite you to visit it.

Please note that all our Radio Programs are now available in our Website. Please click on "Articles and Radio Programs" and then on "KIRV Radio Program". It will appear all our Radio Programs already uploaded. Click on the one of your preference and then on the link provided therein.

We welcome your comments and/or questions.
May God/Allah/Edonai's Peace and Mercy be with you!


Jesus, The Anointed One, Isa Al Massih, and His Death on the Cross

This was our second radio program on April 21, 2010. All scripture references are from the Torah (Old Testament), Injil (New Testament) and the Qur'an.
We would like to publicly acknowledge the great service of our friend in Portugal, Jose Manuel Colaço, which makes it possible for us to post these programs on the web.
May The Almighty One be exalted through His words which we are striving to bring to you without much human commentary or interpretation.
Your prayerful and financial support are essential for us to stay on the air on KIRV 1510AM.


The Book "A Deadly Misunderstanding" by Mark Siljander

We emerged and stood for a moment, blinking under the glare of the Mideastern sun and chatting with our Israeli security guard, when suddenly a shot rang out. (Mark Siljander From the Introduction to "A Deadly Misunderstanding")
An Excerpt from A Deadly Misunderstanding:
With its glamorous history, mix of European and Arab influences and liberal, cosmopolitan culture, Beirut had once been known as “the Paris of the Mideast.” But those days were long past. There was no mistaking the street where I stood: we were in the center of a war zone.
It was the fall of 1982. Israeli troops were poised all along the country’s southern border, ready to go in and wipe out the Palestinians who were dug in along that same border and determined to repel the Israelis at any cost. It was a standoff ready to explode at the smallest spark. I had just spent an hour visiting Camille Chamoun, the eighty-two-year-old Christian former president of Lebanon, hoping to get his read on the situation. The conversation had been inconclusive.
Chamoun’s house was located on the Christian side of the barren strip of scorched earth that divided Beirut into its two warring, irreconcilable halves: East and West, Muslim and Christian. The desolate strip of land had been dubbed, with an irony I’m sure nobody intended, the Green Line. I’d never seen anything less fertile, less evocative of life, less green, than this parched place.
We emerged and stood for a moment, blinking under the glare of the Mideastern sun and chatting with our Israeli security guard, when suddenly a shot rang out.
I should have ducked, but instead I froze. This was only my second trip to the Mideast, and I hadn’t yet acquired the war-zone reflexes that would come in the years to follow. Like a carpenter’s calluses or coal miner’s cough, a kind of hair-trigger vigilance comes with the territory, part and parcel of the seasoned diplomat’s trade. In central Africa, you learn how to cope with mosquitoes: in Beirut, you learn how to duck bombs and bullets. But as a freshman congressman just learning the ropes, I was pretty green myself, and I was still staring dumbly at the rubble-strewn streets, looking vaguely for the source of the sound when I was grabbed and yanked roughly to the ground—and a sharppinnnggg! rang out, tearing a small cloud of dust from the wall just inches from where my head had been. The young Israeli dragged me ten or fifteen feet to a bus, pitched me in, and jerked the door closed. Palestinian snipers were closing in.
With the sound of my heartbeat pumping in my ears, one thought flooded through my racing brain:What the hell am I doing here?
Once the danger passed, I stayed on and surveyed the area for a while, climbing through the rubble, hoping to catch a clear glimpse of the PLO forces on the other side of the Green Line, the Muslim side. At the time, I didn’t realize what a vivid metaphor this effort was for the direction the rest of my life would take.
Suddenly I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and the next moment I was staring into the barrel of an Uzi. I had stumbled onto an Israeli lookout post hidden among the rubble and a young Israeli soldier, having no way of knowing who or what I was, was about to blow my head off. Nobody was reading anyone any Miranda rights here—this was war, kill or be killed.
My reflexes were a little sharper this time, and fortunately I had learned a bit of Hebrew since my first trip to the Mideast some months earlier. I knew just enough to shout out, “B’vaka sha, ani esh-congress!” Please, I’m a congressman! The boy’s finger froze on the trigger and he slowly lowered his Uzi.
In a few short hours, I had nearly been killed twice, and whether delivered by a bullet from the Christian side or Muslim side of that deadly Green Line, my death would have been just as final. No matter which side of an armed conflict one supports, both sides are ultimately sponsors of the same end: destruction.
This is not a book about Beirut, but it is a book about a world rift by its own Green Line, split like a macrocosmic Lebanon into two warring, seemingly irreconcilable halves. More particularly, it is about the efforts of one man, clambering about the rubble straddling that pervasive Green Line, to peer over at the other side and see what ground the two sides might possibly share.
This was not the path I set out to follow twenty-five years ago, as a conservative Republican congressman and Evangelical Christian just entering the world of Washington politics. At the time, I believed that Islam was a religion of violence, that the Qur’an preached the destruction of all non-Muslims, and that the Qur’an and Islam were of the devil, as godless as the great evil of communism whose defeat was then the defining purpose of American foreign policy. I believed that Islam and Christianity were contradictory at their core, that the Eastern Islamic and Western Judeo-Christian cultures were irretrievably opposed to one another, and that the only possible solution to this conflict was the conversion of “them” so they would come to think like “us.” My worldview could not have been clearer or simpler—or more myopic.
In the years that followed I was led to question the truth of these axioms. In time, I learned that every one of them was utterly, categorically false. I learned that when we stop buying into our cultures’ prejudices, assumptions, and prevailing habits of thought and begin to investigate the texts of our different holy books in their original languages, conflicts between crucial terms and entire passages that have traditionally been viewed as irreconcilable begin to evaporate.
I learned that the deadly misunderstanding dividing our world today need not do so tomorrow.
What follows in these pages is not some new form of ecumenism or syncretism where Christians, Muslims, or anyone else is expected to give up cherished and long-held beliefs or creeds. It is rather a chronicle of one person’s search for a rich common ground that exists between these faiths and cultures. It has been a constant source of both astonishment and inspiration to find that this common ground is not some far-fetched ideal but is textually sound and eminently practicable. In some extremely delicate and hostile political situations, I’ve seen it work miracles.
Mark D. Siljander