We had lived difficult moments just before Eid Al-Fitr, but what a wonderful and happy surprise was awaiting us when we got to the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno! It was full of people, friends, believers of so many other faith backgrounds willing to support and share the joy of such a celebration! How wonderful it is when we get together to support each other no matter what. Just stand up together for justice, loving and caring for one another and sharing our joy. That Friday night the Islamic Cultural Center was teeming with people who wanted to show such Love, Tolerance and Dialog are the only way for Peace. We did enjoy all the speeches from every representative who, in simple words, reaffirmed that mutual respect and understanding is the right way to live together in harmony in spite of our differences. The speeches were followed by a delicious Middle Eastern dinner and a pleasant time of fellowship. We pray that God's Holy Word of Love and Peace will transcend human sinfulness and overcome the darkness of hate and separation. Let us say like Mattie J. P. Stepanek, a child who died at the age of 12 as victim of cancer : "LET US PRAY, DIFFERENTLY, YET TOGETHER, BEFORE THERE IS NO EARTH, NO LIFE, NO CHANCE FOR PEACE.