

"This is the season when families all over the world come together, whenever possible and for many reasons, to thank God for His goodness and blessings. It is the time when all Humanity looks like one big family!
I watched a YouTube video ..."

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The events of the last two weeks have been nothing but a great disgrace and disrespect to the ONE GOD of all Abrahamic religions.

Liberty and freedom of speech have to be controlled with great respect and sense of responsibility. Freedom without restraints is savagery and anarchy. Fighting evil with evil is not from God. He wants us to overcome evil with good.

We implore the God of our father Abraham to rebuke the Devil in each extremist, fanatic, and bigot regardless of the “label” they bear.

Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families. Those who lost their lives and those who are injured by an extremist minority should inspire us to seek knowledge and better understanding of our shared , God given values. Our thoughts and prayers are with those God fearing, pious, and innocent victims, whoever and wherever they might be.

May God have mercy on us all.


Candle Light Vigil for the Sikh Community

(Fresnobee photo)
What a wonderful experience we had Friday evening, Aug. 10, 2012, in front of Fresno City Hall.

Hundreds from all over the Central Valley representing all colors and Faith Traditions were one community. We were peacefully united in grieving the loss of innocent Sikh lives and praying for the injured and all the families and communities suffering because of ignorance and bigotry.

We praise the Almighty One for all who are seeking to build bridges based upon so much common ground we all share. Our prayers will continue to be that love and tolerance will overcome the darkness of hate and ignorance.


Sikh Temple Shooting

We at, "Abraham's Children" Ministries, are deeply sadden by the tragedy that befell the Sikh Community in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. We express our deepest sorrow for the desecration of their Temple, the killing of twelve innocent souls, and all the injuries resulting from this abominable act.

We ask the Almighty God, whom we all worship, albeit in different ways, to give His comfort and consolation to all those affected by this unconscionable act and for speedy and total recovery of all injuries, physical, spiritual and emotional.

May God fill us all with His love, compassion and tolerance. May He grant those who are hurting His gift of forgiveness so that they may attain inner peace and comfort.

May all Glory and Praise be His forever. Amen.



As we have been mingling with followers of many faiths and denominations, it has become clear to us that only a few know and understand the basic foundations for their beliefs. This is a heartbreaking reality!

On September 11, 2001 our world was changed forever! We realized that neither ocean nor land can be a deterrent against acts of terrorism, regardless of their origin or perpetrators. A new phobia evolved: “Islamophobia”, and with it many misconceptions of Islam. The result is a fear of anyone who looks like a Muslim (whatever is meant by that) and/or speaks Arabic. The main reason is profiling based on total ignorance. This stereotyping effects not only Muslims, but millions of Arabic speaking Christians and Jews.

So we made an attempt to separate true Islam from folk Islam. We will be looking at some misconceptions and what the Honored Qur´an has to say about them. All qur’anic quotations are from “The Meaning of The Holy Qur’an” by Abdullah Yusuf ’Ali.

May God's Peace and Mercy be upon us all
